“Hero of the Harbor,” former mayor of Hoboken Dawn Zimmer, answers questions regarding regional recovery and resiliency in New Bern on April 3rd
Outreach. Education. Change.
The City of New Bern and Citizens Advocating Resiliency and Education (C.A.R.E.) have invited Dawn Zimmer, the former mayor of Hoboken NJ, to speak at 6PM, on Wednesday, April 3rd in the Orringer Auditorium at Craven Community College. Invitations have been extended to officials from neighboring communities and counties. Mayor Zimmer will discuss with local and regional citizens and officials her role following Hurricane Sandy.
Dawn Zimmer served as the 38th mayor of Hoboken, NJ from 2009 to 2017. Under her leadership, Hoboken secured $300 million in Energy Resilience Funding and $230 million from the federal Rebuild by Design competition for a comprehensive four-part water management strategy to protect Hoboken against impacts of climate change. She also created three new resiliency parks with green infrastructure to protect from flash flooding. Zimmer served as co-chair of Governor Murphy’s Urban and Regional Growth Transition Committee and was a member of President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force and State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. She has been awarded with a Role Model City certificate applauding the city’s comprehensive water management strategy from the United Nations.
Members of C.A.R.E. and the City of New Bern have familiarized Zimmer with the unique, but similar challenges the region faces in rebuilding and planning a solution for the future. She will work with the Board of Aldermen to assist with developing a plan of action during meetings on Thursday.
All residents of the area are invited to attend this special event to learn more about how the region and their households can plan for the future.