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Meeting Minutes

Historic Downtown Residents Association (HDRA)

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting
January 22, 2024 @ 5:30pm at 229 East Front Street, New Bern


Joe Kull (outgoing President), Mike Woika, Bob Kingsbury, Jon Miller, Mark Ulrey, Jessica
Conard, Maria Cho, Jim Polo, Dottie Corning, Kumi Anzalone, Randy Straight (outgoing board
member), Dave Callender, John Phaup (ex officio board member)

Lynn Hand, Kelley Hudgins

Call to Order:
Joe called the meeting to order at 5:36pm.

The board gave Joe a card & gift as thank you for his service as HDRA President for the past 3

Introduction of Board Members:
Joe asked for everyone to go around and introduce themselves since this was our first meeting
with the new board members. Joe thanked Bob Kingsbury and Mary Ringwalt for their work
heading up the nominating committee.

Approval of Minutes:
Dottie made a motion, seconded by Mike, to approve the minutes of the Jan 10, 2024 Annual
Meeting: approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:
Dottie reported as follows:
Checking balance: $8,730.00

Election of HDRA Officers:
The board unanimously approved the following officers for 2024:
President: Dottie Corning
Vice President: Jim Polo
Treasurer: Jessica Conard
Secretary: Kumi Anzalone

Joe shared his thoughts on priorities as we move into 2024:
Membership: set goal and strategy, including business memberships
Membership Survey: review and use moving forward
Communications: streamline email, bring website and digital media up to date
Fiscal: review and set correct pricing for events, create detailed budget
Joe also mentioned that he thought St Cyprian’s and the Quester’s were both good examples
of community organizations that HDRA members might consider supporting in various ways.
Maria concurred that both of these organizations were mentioned in survey results.
Randy discussed his role in sending out communications to HDRA. He sends approximately 1
email per week. He offered to continue doing this job after leaving the board.
Joe and Randy (outgoing board members) said goodbyes and departed the meeting.

Committee Structure:
Dottie welcomed the group as our new HDRA President. She discussed the importance of
committee work and the roles of the various committees outlined in our HDRA by-laws. After
much discussion, the following roles were agreed upon:
*Appearance/Preservation: Mike Woika agreed to take on this chair role with an emphasis on
preservation. He will also be taking the lead on our HDRA Clean Sweep Program, which falls
under the appearance committee.
*Membership/Hospitality: Lynn Hand will continue as membership chair, joined also by Dave
Callender. Jon Miller will assist with leading a Hospitality sub-committee.
*Social: Kelley Hudgins will remain as chair of this committee. Jessica Conard will assist,
bringing an emphasis to activities/events for families.
*Communications: Mark Ulrey will help with this committee. Curtis Krumel (HDRA member) is
currently assisting with bringing our technology (website, social media accounts) up to date.
*Nominating: Bob Kingsbury will continue on this committee. Once we get closer to the end of
this board term, he will need help with this committee.
*Community Outreach: Randy Straight will continue to send emails but we need someone to
head up the committee, reaching out to local organizations and businesses to extend our reach
into our local community.
*Government Liaison/Relations: this technically falls under Community Outreach, but Maria
Cho will continue to take the lead on this sub-section.
*Newsletter: John Phaup writes the quarterly HDRA newsletter.

Membership Survey:
The group agreed that we would review the results of the membership survey at our February
board meeting in order to determine our priorities for the 2024 year.
Maria Cho, Jim Polo and Rusty Ingram have created a sub-committee to review the survey
results. Maria is putting together an excel spreadsheet with the results and will send out to the
board members prior to the Feb meeting so everyone has a chance to review.
Initial review of the survey shows that appearance/preservation, membership, and social
groups were of high interest to members. Some committees may be fine-tuned after survey
results are reviewed by the board.

Other Business:
Dottie gave everyone a KOLBE A Index test to determine passions, interest, etc. She asked
board members to take the test and bring results to our next meeting. The results will help
determine individual strengths. She said the cost is $50 to take the test.
Bob Kingsbury mentioned that we need to send out a notice for dues renewal ASAP.
Membership renewals are due by February 28, 2024. Dottie will work on sending that out.
Maria mentioned that we should look at posting our board minutes to the website again. Jim
agreed and said he believes we should send minutes out to the membership, along with
posting on the website.
Kumi will prepare the minutes and send out a spreadsheet to the group (HDRA board) with all
board member emails.
Bob suggested that we should send email out to the membership listing new officers and
committee assignments. Maria suggested it be one email that asks for dues, lists new board
members, etc. Dottie will work on getting that out to the membership.
Bob recommended that we highlight to our members that they can write a check in lieu of
paying on website.

Next Board Meeting:
The board agreed that future meetings will be held the 2nd Monday of each month. Next
meeting will be held Feb 12, 5:30pm at 229 East Front Street.
Dottie adjourned the meeting at 6:52pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kumi Anzalone, HDRA Secretary

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