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Meeting Minutes

Historic Downtown Residents Association (HDRA)

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

Aug 5, 2024 @ 5:30pm at 229 East Front Street, New Bern



Dottie Corning, Jon Miller, Mark Ulrey, Kumi Anzalone, Lynn Hand, Mike Woika, Jessica Conard, Maria Cho


Jim Polo, Kelley Hudgins, Dave Callender, Bob Kingsbury, John Phaup (ex officio member)


Call to Order:

Dottie called the meeting to order at 5:37pm.


Approval of Minutes:

Jessica made a motion to approve the minutes from the June BOD meeting, Mike seconded. Approved unanimously. Kumi will send the minutes to Curtis for posting on the website.


Treasurer’s Report:

Jessica Conard gave an update: There is a current balance of $10,987.29 in the Trust account.


Committee Reports:

Government Outreach:
Maria gave an update:

  • June 12: Meeting with City Manager Foster Hughes. Next quarterly meeting October 2024.

  • June 18: Meeting with several HDRA members interested in serving on Government Outreach sub-committee, specifically regarding issues with the Historic Preservation Commission’s (HPC) process, consistency with standards, and transparency. HDRA Board member Mike Woika generated a summary of collective comments. Next step - create a letter of appeal/request to the HPC. Mike was subsequently appointed to the HPC.

  • July: Attended Municipal Service Advisory Committee (MSD) work session, focusing on the inner core trash issue.

  • August 2: Attended special called meeting of the Board of Aldermen (BOA) discussing the replacement for the Ward 6 alderman seat. Other means of communication being considered include using the City’s social media platforms and messaging systems to disseminate a call for candidates.

Upcoming meetings for Government Outreach:

  • MSD work session & regular meetings August 12th & August 20th.

  • Board of Aldermen regular meeting August 13th and 27th, 6pm.

  • Public Forum August 14th, 6:30 - Development services (303 First St).

  • Planning & Zoning August 15th, 5:30.

  • HPC meeting August 21th, 5:30.


Social Committee:
Jon has tentatively reserved Union Point for the fall picnic on October 26 from 11:30am-2:30pm. Sip n’ Stroll has been discussed but no date set, possibly at Flying Fox or Old Pinnix.

Appearance Committee:
Mike will schedule a Clean Sweep for the next quarter. Dottie will forward an emergency checklist for storms to the membership. Questers Community Day is still to be determined.


Mike created a draft social media policy for discussion. Suggestions for edits will be discussed at the next meeting.


Nominating Committee:
The board is discussing recruiting the upcoming board for specific roles, such as social media, communications, or community outreach.

HDRA Pods:
Some HDRA Pods are up and running. Sign-up sheets will be available at the next General Membership meeting.


New Business:

  • Halloween Event for Children: Maria mentioned using the HDRA stamp for treat bags. Jessica is planning the event and will provide updates.


Old Business:

  • General Membership Meeting on August 26: A Save the Date has been sent. NBPD, the Mason’s Lodge, and Mayor Jeffrey Oldham will speak. The Lodge has waived the $50 rental fee. Jessica will handle refreshments and setup.

  • Luminaries: Kumi reached out to Sharon Kenny to lead the luminary effort. Jessica found options to order luminary kits from Amazon.


Next Board Meeting:

The next HDRA BOD meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept 9, 2024, @ 5:30pm at Dottie’s River House (229 East Front Street).


Motion to Adjourn:

Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jon seconded. Dottie adjourned the meeting at 6:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kumi Anzalone, HDRA Secretary

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