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Meeting Minutes

Historic Downtown Residents Association (HDRA)

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

June 10, 2024 @ 5:30pm at 229 East Front Street, New Bern



Dottie Corning, Jon Miller, Jessica Conard, Kelley Hudgins, Mark Ulrey, Dave Callender, Kumi Anzalone, JIm Polo, Maria Cho, Bob Kingsbury, Mike Woika, John Phaup (ex officio member

Lynn Hand

Call to Order:
Joe called the meeting to order at 5:31pm.

Approval of Minutes:

Jessica Conard gave an update: There is a current balance of $10,758.75 in the Trust account

Treasurer’s Report:
Dottie reported as follows:
Checking balance: $8,730.00


Jessica provided a 2024 estimated annual budget. Mike made a motion to approve, Kelley seconded. Unanimously approved.


Kumi presented the board with the invoice from the Historical Society. Do we want to renew? Group consensus was yes, to support the community. Jessica will pay the invoice.


Maria asked for clarification on why we did not renew our Chamber membership. Board had discussion on whether we should reconsider. If we can use meeting room at no charge, then it might be worth our membership cost to join. Bob made a motion to amend the budget and our decision on joining the Chamber based on whether we can use the meeting space, Maria seconded. Cost is $304. Unanimous approval.


Committee Reports:

Social: Kelley gave an update. Feedback from members attending the Garden Party was that they wanted more social events like the party at the Polo’s. Members don’t might paying a ticket fee of $20, but would not want to pay more. Kelley, Dottie, and Jessica had discussions prior to the party and decided to forego the cash bar. Two kegs were purchased from Brewery 99, we will return one untapped keg and should receive about $130 refund. Additionally, we will receive credit for 6 red wine bottles returned to Savi’s.


In the future, if party is held in June we will start at a later hour since it was so hot. Additional feedback regarding food was there was not enough protein and mostly vegetarian. Discussion was to potentially change the time of the party to 6pm-8pm in May, or 6:30pm-8:30pm in June. We will also try to avoid PayPal fees next year for ticket sales. Same is true for dues. Jessica will work on making changes to our account to see if we can eliminate fees on our account. Maria suggested that a “save the date” go out earlier next time in order to get more people registered. Jim would like us to consider more permanent name tags for our events. People collect them at a welcome table and then return them. Additional discussion was perhaps we consider lanyards, in case they need to be replaced. No final decision was made regarding name tags.


Newsletter: Update from John Phaup. BOD should receive draft by the end of the week, the Historic Preservation Foundation has purchased 7 row houses on Pasteur St and will be selling them. John is also part of the King Solomon Lodge renovation committee, and they have a “Clean a brick, Sell a brick” project currently underway. Details will be in the June newsletter.


Appearance: Mike Woika gave an update. Questers has moved our HDRA workday to the fall. Clean Sweep: Mike would like to propose that instead of a quarterly event, HDRA members are assigned a permanent street and they are responsible for cleaning up whenever there is trash in that area. Discussion was that asking members to be responsible for an entire street for a quarter, or year is too much of an obligation for our members. Group decided we would leave the program as is, Mike will schedule a Clean Sweep day in Q3. Dottie suggested we should give HDRA t-shirts to clean sweep participants.


Government Outreach: Maria, has been speaking with Curtis Krumel to format and disseminate the HDRA survey to the membership. She also met with 2 HDRA members who are interested in govt outreach, specifically to discuss how to familiarize ourselves with HPC guidelines and administration of those guidelines, so that we can begin to educate the membership. Next meeting is June 18, 1pm at Maria’s house. Maria asked if Mike would join the meeting since part of it can overlap the appearance committee. She is meeting with Foster Hughes on June 12. Mike and Dottie will join that meeting. Maria also mentioned that we have not sent out a formal email about joining clubs and committees, can we do that? Dottie will draft email and send it out to the full membership. Jessica suggested that when the HDRA pods groups meet, they post on Facebook to let others know. Nominating: Bob needs one other board member to help with the nominating committee. Jim and Dottie offered to help with nominating committee. Bob asked that if we know anyone who would be a good board member, please refer them to him. He would like it wrapped up by the November board meeting.


New Business

Social Media: Mike talked with Curtis about the HDRA website, he is now comfortable with the workings of it. Currently, nothing is being done with the HDRA Facebook page, we are still in need of a content person. Mike is developing a social media policy for our group. Discussion was that we should ask for a volunteer to do content for the HDRA page. Content ideas: events, photographs, pics of houses/gardens, pets, interest group meetings or get togethers, newsletter. Currently Dottie is the only admin who can post which limits how much is posted, we should expand that to additional board members.


Old Business

Sip n Stroll: Dottie is organizing, she spoke with Cammie Lee from Savi’s about tastings, it has evolved into a “sip and stroll” idea. Board had some discussion: perhaps hosts can provide appetizers or desserts? Limit to 10 people per house. Event can be on the front porch or in the backyard. Dates TBD, possibly late September.


Picnic was discussed for either 10/26 or 11/2.


Jessica will be doing a small halloween HDRA event for kids on 10/31.


Luminaries: ask Sharon if she would like to head up luminary committee. Dates are for her to decide. Kumi will email Sharon to ask her if she would like to organize this year. Perhaps we can reach out to the local Scouts chapter to purchase?


Our next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 26. Discussion around inviting the HPC to speak. Maria suggested getting questions from homeowners in advance to present to HPC. Jessica would also like to get additional info on Masonic Lodge. She will reach out regarding a speaker from the Lodge.


Next Board Meeting

The next HDRA BOD meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 5, 2024 @ 5:30pm at Dottie’s River House (229 East Front Street).


Motion to adjourn 

Jim made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dave seconded. Dottie adjourned the meeting at 7:09pm


Respectfully submitted,

Kumi Anzalone, HDRA Secretary

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